
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Black toenail fungus treatment and cure

Problem of black toenail fungus troubles many people who suffer from the problem as it leads to foul smell. Feet enamel also turns brown in color in many individuals which gives an ugly appearance and causes embarrassment. However, with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the problem can be completely cured.

What is Black Colored Toenial Fungus and What are its Symptoms?

Also referred as ‘onychomycosis’, development of black colored toenail is a bad thing. It usually develops when a person gets infected with a fungal attack that hampers the general growth of enamel. People suffering from diabetes or other problems like athlete's foot or those with weakened immunity are likely to develop it easily as compared to others.

Symptoms of black colored toenail fungus include development of solid, yet weak and tarnished nails and irregularities below the surface of the enamel. Sometimes, an individual can experience little bit of pain while walking. Moreover, there is also a possibility of stinking smell from the toes of an individual.

Treatment and Cure for Black Colored Toenail Fungus

To cure the problem of black colored toenail fungus, its timely diagnosis is essential. As soon as the symptoms start appearing, a person can visit the doctor’s clinic to get the appropriate treatment. Some of the commonly applied remedial measures are as under:

· To cure injuries that lead to toenail problem, you can apply the undiluted oil of tea tree everyday on the infected nail part. It acts as a fungicide as it has antiseptic properties but it may cause skin irritation in individuals who are highly susceptible.

· Apply apple cider vinegar on the infected enamel and later, dry it off to remove the excess quantity applied.

· Try to keep your feet dry by using a towel.

· Application of an anti-fungal cream also proves beneficial to manage the problem as it covers the damage caused to the nail structure.

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that this can be quickly remedied in a clinic if you head in within hours or a day of noticing the black nail.Herbs of Kedem Sephorris
